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"The Kodachrome trip"

Part 3/6


F208, F223, F235


[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”F208 south of Landmannalaugar” couleur=”white”  heure=”9h43″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/9″ pause=”1/320″ angle=”32 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND F208 river[/ip_exifs_txt]


The F208 offers fluorescent greens that we come to believe that the creator played here with Photoshop.
I particularly like these areas where the water seeks its way, creating silver filaments on the volcanic soil. One can see in the foreground one of the many fords that punctuate the track.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”F208 south of Landmannalaugar” couleur=”white”  heure=”9h39″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/10″ pause=”1/200″ angle=”26 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND F208[/ip_exifs_txt]


The air is so pure here that one has the impression of having put a dust filter on its objective.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Halldórsfell Mountain” couleur=”white”  heure=”9h51″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/250″ angle=”40 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND F208 Halldorsfell[/ip_exifs_txt]


In Iceland every mountain, every hill has its name. No need to have proportions “out of the ordinary” to be baptized.
I find there a relationship with the different nature of ours, a certain respect, an attention. So here’s Madame (Miss?) Halldórsfell , still on F208 .



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Ófærufoss” couleur=”white”  heure=”16h37″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/9″ pause=”25 sec” angle=”58 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND Ofaerufoss[/ip_exifs_txt]


Ófærufoss is located in a fault several kilometers long, Eldgjá Canyon “the throat of fire”. It is a mythical fall and out of the ordinary by its size and its power.
To add to its legend, it was once adorned with a natural arch in the foreground which unfortunately collapsed in 1993 following an earthquake.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”F208″ couleur=”white”  heure=”10h30″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/250″ angle=”52 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND F208 drive[/ip_exifs_txt]


Browse F208 is always a great emotional moment. The southern portion between Landmannalaugar and Route 1 is without doubt one of the most beautiful trails in the world.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Langisjór lake” couleur=”white”  heure=”19h54″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/640″ angle=”78 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND langisjor[/ip_exifs_txt]


Langisjór is located in a very isolated area of the Highlands north of Lakagigar . Lake of very elongated form, wedged between 2 rows of mountains ( Tungnráfjoll and Fogrufjöll ), the feeling of loneliness is at its paroxysm.
I found absolute silence, not a breath of wind, not a bird’s cry, not a fish to break the surface of the water.





[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Stútur Crater” couleur=”white”  heure=”22h20″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/1/160″ pause=”1/160″ angle=”38 mm” iso=”800″]2012 ICELAND Stutur Volcano[/ip_exifs_txt]


Overlooking the Frostadavatn , we find this small crater of ideal proportions, the Stútur . I gave him the first role on this picture because I particularly like it.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Hiking Bláhnukur, the blue mountain” couleur=”white”  heure=”12h47″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/10″ pause=”1/200″ angle=”30 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND Blahnukur[/ip_exifs_txt]


The rise of Bláhnukur , Landmannalaugar . I turn from time to time to breathe and observe the valley which is discovered under a light of storm, of those which I prefer.
Hikers below (do you see them on the route?) Are worried in front of the darkness that is advancing at a great pace.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Emilie and Andy onn her back” couleur=”white”  heure=”12h58″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/10″ pause=”1/200″ angle=”31 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND Landmannalaugar Brennisteinsalda[/ip_exifs_txt]


The downhill of Bláhnukur on its northern flank is a bit steep, it’s true, but it plunges into an unreal spectacle. The last rays of the sun come to explode the colors of the rhyolite mountains.


[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Hiking path on Bláhnukur” couleur=”white”  heure=”13h04″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/7.1″ pause=”1/100″ angle=”23 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND Brennisteinsalda[/ip_exifs_txt]


Emilie has taken the lead. We can see in the valley the river that we will have to cross to reach the lava field. Inflated by the storm, it will cause us serious worries.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”View from Bláhnukur” couleur=”white”  heure=”12h48″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/320″ angle=”70 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND Landmannalaugar[/ip_exifs_txt]


But no matter, I drag on the summits despite the threat. How to give up such points of view? And this light! Remember in 2009, the sky was so low and the incessant rain .
A hiker approaches me: “It’s a photographer’s paradise here!” she says with a knowing smile. Photographer or not, everyone is amazed by the beauty around us.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Brennisteinsalda” couleur=”white”  heure=”13h06″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/5.6″ pause=”1/160″ angle=”93 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND Landmannalaugar Brennisteinsalda 2[/ip_exifs_txt]


Close-up of the Landmannalaugar icon, the Brennisteinsalda mountain (literally “Sufuric Wave”). It is said to be the most colorful in Iceland. Two hikers give you the ladder. Do you see them?



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Landmannalaugar valley” couleur=”white”  heure=”15h47″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/500″ angle=”105 mm” iso=”360″]2012 ICELAND Landmannalaugar colors[/ip_exifs_txt]


Further down the valley I come across a couple of wild geese. The sky is still low, the colors indescribable.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Ljótipollur” couleur=”white”  heure=”20h04″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/30″ angle=”55 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND ljotipollur[/ip_exifs_txt]


Ljótipollur is a volcano with impressive charisma. He is intimidating with his blood-red flanks. Draculéen.



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”River Tungnaá” couleur=”white”  heure=”20h54″ appareil=”Nikon D800″ diaphragme=”f/8″ pause=”1/60″ angle=”65 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND tungnaa river[/ip_exifs_txt]


From its eastern point you can see the river Tungnaá which has its source in Vatnajökull .



[ip_exifs_txt vendre=”oui” produit=”” titre=”Ljótipollur” couleur=”white”  heure=”21h21″ appareil=”5DMarkII” diaphragme=”f/5″ pause=”1/50″ angle=”40 mm” iso=”100″]2012 ICELAND ljotipollur 2[/ip_exifs_txt]


It’s 9:21 pm , the day is decaying but I’m mesmerized by the volcano. Absolute silence. Feeling of loneliness exarcerated by emptiness.
Yet a car arrives on the ridge. A man comes down with a fishing rod. Without a look at me he goes down the sides of the crater and throws his line.
Incredulous, I leave him alone in this immensity.



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